Could You Do With More Energy?

Fatigue is an increasingly common concern for busy, successful people in the modern world. It is often associated with stress, poor diet and poor sleeping patterns. It can also lead to many adverse behaviours like caffeine or sugar binging, poor performance and irritability. 

“The Revolutionary Home Run Formula”

This is more than just looking at the body from a wholistic point of view. The process actually allows us to gather specific information about how your body is working on all four main areas to your health. Lets look at some of the things we might find when looking at someone suffering from fatigue.

Physical Health: Fatigue will often cause the body to go into ‘Postural Defence.’ This is just a collection of common signs and symptoms that tend to occur when the body is under stress. Usually you can tell if someone is experiencing ‘postural defence’ just by looking at them. When looking from behind their head will often tilt to one side. From the side it is common to see the shoulders rounded forward, the head is also forward (normally the middle of ear should be in line with middle of the shoulder). Tension in the neck and jaw problems often occur and headaches are also common. Cramps can also occur due to excessive stiffness and muscle tension.

Biochemistry (Nutrition): Often fatigue will create deficiencies in magnesium, zinc and the B vitamins. We may also need to look at the impact it has had on the adrenal hormones and the feel good chemicals like serotonin, dopamine and melatonin and supplement as necessary to assist recovery. We could also use some herbal formulas to assist the sleeping process.

Toxicity:Caffeine, sugar and other stimulants are commonly involved. Alcohol will also reduce the quality of sleep. Heavy metal toxicity and the presence of parasites can also contribute to fatigue. The bowel function is also vital and symptoms of bloating, discomfort and constipation or diarrhea are indicators that your bowel function is not 100%.

Emotions: Obviously stress and emotions play a big part in fatigue and considerably drain your energy levels. Any recurrent negative emotions and thoughts, adverse behaviours or anxiety may indicate that you are under stress. This might cause irritability, anger, anxiety or even fear. As fatigue becomes more chronic low self esteem or depression may result. Emotions are normal but long term emotional stress is not. We can quickly identify and resolve the areas of stress and how they are effecting you using a process called Neuro-Emotional Technique.

Neuro - Emotional Technique

The revolutionary Neuro - Emotional Technique (NET) can quickly identify areas creating imbalances and stress in your body. Its efficient, pain free and can quickly give you a wholistic picture of your health and areas that need improving.

Written by Dr Mark Symonds, Neuro Emotional Technique, Sydney, October 2012

Assisting with people who are experiencing:

Back Pain Stress Weight Loss Headaches General Anxiety Fertility & Pregnancy Fatigue Poor Mood Relationship Issues Unwanted Behaviours Low Self Esteem Peak Performance Ongoing Health Problems Phobias