3 Simple Steps to get you feeling great for summer!

Good to see the sun shining in Sydney again! It's spring time and for many people it is a time to do some 'spring cleaning'  - of your body and soul!

If you have popped on a few extra kilos, or have been feeling the winter blues, spring is a great time to get the mind and body firing again. Life is better when we are enjoying good health, and are looking and feeling great. I really wanted to back this article with lots of practical information to help you get going!

October is refer a friend month! See below for our very special offer!

Posture - Firstly how are you looking?


People that are looking good and feeling healthy generally have good posture. Posture is not only about good physical fitness but also a reflection of how you are going emotionally. The two are intricately connected. I always make a point of checking peoples posture on their first visit as it gives so may clues as to areas of physical stress on the muscles and joints as well as our emotional state.

Go ahead take a look... ideally just stand normally and get someone to take a photo from behind and on the side.

55% of our communication is through our body language!

Chiropractic has been shown to have a profound positive impact on your posture in many cases. This is because Chiropractic care aims to restore your joint, muscle and nerve function.

Why? Proper movement of your joints ensures proper movement of your muscles which assists the nervous system in doing its job. The nervous system communicates vital information between your brain and body allowing you to get healthy, stay healthy and thrive!

Get Kick-started in Spring!

Step One

Get your day started with this exercise...

The Salute to the Sun!

Ideally go through 3 repetitions and please stop if your experience any pain or discomfort and make a consultation! 

Ideally go through 3 repetitions and please stop if your experience any pain or discomfort and make a consultation! 

Step 2

Here are some great exercises to combat 'computer posture'. These four exercises should follow each other in succession and should be done at least once per day.
 Inhale while relaxing and exhale while contracting the muscles between your shoulder blades (don't flap your arms). Hold each one with your breath for a count of 5 or as long as you can. They can be done standing against a wall or lying. Progress in terms of number of repetitions start with 5 to 10.

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Step 3 - Workout!

Get Moving!  :) I have put together a list of good and not so good things to do as you start to boost your fitness again with exercise. If you haven't exercised in a while I would highly recommend a personal trainer to assist you. Please contact me if you need any recommendations.
 Below is some small things that you can do to help your body adapt and minimise your chances of injury as you get fit again!

Top 10 Good Physical Fitness choices to make

 Daily physical activity - make it fun!

 Daily spinal hygiene exercises - Like the two above!

 Get regular chiropractic checkups

 Ensure you have good posture at your work station

 Frequent 30s -1 min breaks (particularly if sitting) with exercises and stretches

 Maximise opportunity for physical daily living tasks

 Engage in hobbies that require physical exertion, find an exercise friend or group - F45, Crossfit, Body Balance, Yoga etc

 Incorporate core building activities into your routine like Gymnastics, Yoga, Pilates or equivalent

 Build up your fitness at a appropriate rate! - no point going crazy then not being able to walk let alone exercise for the rest of the week!

 Use technology to your advantage! See below

Top 10 Physical Activities to Minimise or Avoid 

 Sitting longer than 30 min at a time - take 30-60 sec micro breaks from your chair!

 Standing with weight on one foot

 Reading on back with head flexed forward

 One sided sports – practice both sides

 Carrying bags on one shoulder

 Sleeping on stomach

 Cradling phone between shoulder and ear

 Watching TV slumped on the couch

 Repetitive activities with arms in front or overhead

 Poor posture during any activity

Great Techno - Tips

Technology has long been seen as a cause of physical (and sometimes emotional) stress! Finally, technology is helping us to create better well-being. Here is a list of some of my favourite apps and gadgets to help you get kickstarted!

(Sorry guys these may not all be available on Apple IOS? I am an Google Android user!)

  • FitBit - Goes with the Fitbit Flex device to measure your activity rate
  • MyFitnessPal - Calorie Counter and Weight Loss app
  • Headspace - Mindfulness / Meditation app
  • Andrew Johnson - Relax (all his apps are good!) - Mental and Physical Relaxation
  • Sleep Cycle - Monitor your vital sleep!

Other News - October is Refer a Friend Month!

If you refer a friend in October you will both receive 25% of your consultation price.

This means your friend will enjoy a 25% discount on their Initial Consultation and and you will receive a 25% discount off your next consultation as well as your Radiance Reward Points!!

Do you know anyone who may be experiencing the following?

  • Headaches
  • Pain
  • Fatigue/tiredness
  • Poor posture
  • Muscle tension
  • Digestive Problems
  • Allergies
  • Obesity
  • Learning difficulties
  • Moodiness
  • Depression
  • Blood sugar problems/diabetes
  • Emotional distress
  • Poor nutrition

For more information or to book in for an appointment call us on 9247 4633!!