Happy New Year - Set your course for 2015!

I trust you had a good Christmas and New Year!

If you are like many people who want to get a fresh start in 2015, then perhaps you would like to set some New Year Resolutions or Goals -  I have attached in this email the most comprehensive way I know to help make sure your New Year Resolutions become a reality and not just a 2 week trial!!

Sometimes when we either get comfortable or run into life's challenges we can lose track of the big picture. This can feel like we are busy going through life doing the day to day things that we need to do but never get around to doing the things that will direct us to where we want to go.

If you're like me and it feels like every year goes by quicker and quicker - take the time to plan. Otherwise life can end up like sailing a boat without a rudder - you’ll be busy sailing the whole time but drifting around at the mercy of the currents and the wind.

So take some time this year to set a course and stop letting distractions and other peoples agendas from taking you away from what you truly want to achieve and experience.

I have attached some key tools below that I use to help "steer the ship back on course!"

The first  is an exercise to identify your core values. Values are simply the things that are important to us and can be used like a compass to identify how we would like to behave as we move through the experiences of life. Identifying your values prior to setting your New Year Resolutions in line with these values will increase the likelihood that they will become a habit or a reality.

The second document is an exercise to identify your ‘drivers’ to help you create "the map" of where you want to go and identify what is important as well as identifying some new strategies to improve your ability to deal with the challenges that you may face along the way. This is a big picture exercise which you can chunk down into smaller ‘bite size’ goals.

Both are very useful at any time but particularly a good idea to help you get off to a flying start in 2014!

If you hit "headwinds" along the way that are stopping you from moving forward please get in touch! If you feel ‘blocked’ or are experiencing patterns where the things you are striving never seem to work out you may be experiencing a sabotage as a result of trapped emotions.

Trapped emotions can cause you to make the wrong assumptions, overreact to innocent remarks, misinterpret behavior and short-circuit your relationships. Neuro Emotional Anti-Sabotaging Technique (NEAT) can help when you have difficulty staying committed due to poor results!

All the best in the meantime and hope to see you again in the practice soon!

- Identify Your Values Exercise

- Your Drivers - Exercise